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PCT 5630

Characteristics of the

-황화방지, 고광효과;

-msl3;발광면이 크다.

-고객 제품의 지속적인 요구를 만족시킨다.

PCT 5630
PCT 5630

Product Parameters

part no. color test condition (ma) cct vf (v) Φ v (lm) 50% 파워 앵글
rf-30hi57ds fh-2j white 150 2914-3169k 6-3. 75-90 120
rf-35hi57ds fh-2j white 150 3282-3637k 6-3. 75-90
rf-40hi57ds fh-2j white 150 774-4175k 6-3. 80-95
rf-50hi57ds fh-2j white 150 4808-5221k 6-3. 80-95
rf-57hi57ds fh-2j white 150 5390-5914k 6-3. 80-95
rf-65hi57ds fh-2j white 150 6147-6902k 6-3. 80-95

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